Cov kev ntxias dag tej neeg- tej teeb meem cuam tshuam thaum koj raug neeg phem nyiag tau koj lub cim thawj Part III

Paul Lor

Pov Lauj qhia txog tias tej neeg phem siv tswv yim dab tsi ntxias dag sawv daws kom poob nyiaj toom 3 Source: Courtesy of Paul Lor

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Yog thaum neeg phem nyiag tau koj lub cim thawj coj mus siv lawm tsim nyog koj yuav tsum tau ua dab tsi thiab ho yuav muaj tau teeb meem dab tsi rau koj?

Yog thaum tej neeg phem ho dag tau yus tej xov xwm ntiag tug thiab paub yus lub cim thawj tias yus yog leej twg lawm ho yuav muaj tau teeb meem li cas rau yus thiab tsim nyog yus yuav tsum tau ua dab tsi.

Raws li Pov Lauj hais, tsuas nyob ntawm seb tej neeg phem ntawd nyiag tau yus cov ID (identity) los sis yog yus lub cim thawj ntawd ntau npaum li cas piv txiv li seb lawv puas tau yus tej hnub yug, chaw nyob xov tooj, passport thiab bank card, bank account detail, driver's license tej no ntau npaum li cas.

Qhov tseem ceeb nws hais tias "kom qhia rau IDcare paub", ces lawv mam li los nrog yus txheeb tias seb yus ho poob tej ID no ntau npaum li cas rau tej neeg phem thiab xyuas seb yuav ua li cas ntxiv los yog kom yus ceev faj li cas.

Pov Lauj hais tias qhov phem tshaj plaws uas yuav tshim sim tau rau yus ces "hauv tej bank cov system lawv yeej tau teev tseg tias yog thaum muaj ib phau account qhib uas siv yus lub npe thiab thaum mus txog rau theem kawg uas yog tej yam hmoov phem tshaj plaws uas yog tias bank kam qev nyiaj rau tus neeg siv yus cov ID mus qhib phau bank account tshiab lawm thiab bank pom zoo qev nyiaj rau tus neeg ntawd thiab lawv twb muab tej nyiaj ntawd rho tawm coj mus siv lawm ces bank tuaj raws yus kom yus them tej nyiaj ntawd rov qab rau bank ces qhov no yog ib qho teeb meem loj tshaj plaws, tab sis kuj muaj tsawg tsawg xwb, feem ntau mas tej txhab nyiaj xav ib daim bank key card tuaj ntawm lwm lub txhab nyiaj rau koj ces koj yuav tsum tau ua tib zoo saib thiab yog yus tsis tau thov cov card siv ces kav tsij hais kiag kom lawv muab daim card ntawm tshem tawm."

Mloog tau Pov Lauj cov lus tham txog cov neeg phem siv tswv yim dab tsi los ntxias dag tej neeg li cas kom poob nyiaj txiaj toom ib (Part I) tau ntawm no:
Pov tseem tau qhia ntxiv tias tsuas muaj lub cib fim tsawg tsawg rau tej neeg phem yuav siv yus lub cim thawj mus qev nyiaj los yuav tsev los yog qev nyiaj ntau coj los siv, vim lawv yuav tau siv ntau cov txheej txheem los txheeb tias seb tus neeg ntawd puas yog yus tiag thiab yuav hais kom yus muab ntau yam ntaub ntawv rau lawv, tab sis yeej pom tej neeg phem siv yus tej ID mus qev cov nyiaj personal loan uas qev tau tsawg li $5,000 coj los ua tsev ntim khoom los yog kho laj kab los yog kho ib qho dab tsi me ntawd thiab tab sis yog yus paub ces hu rau cov creditors ntawd kom lawv muab cov loan ntawd canceled.

Txuas ntxiv ntawd yus yuav tsum tau hu mus rau lub koom haum Aquifax uas yav tag los sawv daws paub tias yog Veda los sis yog lwm lub koom haum li freecreditrating kom lawv muab yus cov credit history tshem tawm kom txhob muaj teeb meem  los yog muaj npe tsis zoo rau yus, vim yog yus muaj cov credit history ntau yam ces yog thaum yus mus qev nyiaj tom tej txhab nyiaj ces lawv yuav tsis kam qev nyiaj rau yus, txawm tias yus mus tshawb thiab piv tej credit ntawm cov credit card los yog tej payday loan los yog personal loan uas tsuas saib xwb yeej tsis tau qev, tab sis ho twb dhau theem uas yus tso cai rau tej lagluam mus txheeb yus cov credit history lawm ces muaj ib qhov teev tseg cia tsis zoo rau yus lawm tias ua li cas yus pheej xav mus qeev nyiaj ntawm ntau lub tuam txhab ua luaj li, thiab yus puas muaj peev xwm them tau tej nyiaj no rov qab, ces lawv yuav tsis kam qev nyiaj rau yus siv yuav tsev, yuav tsheb los yog qev los siv ua luam thiab ua lwm yam.

Mloog tau Pov Lauj tham txog tias thaum koj raug tej neeg phem ntxias tau tej xov xwm ntiag tug los sis yog cov identity tag lawm tsim nyog koj yuav tsum tau ua dab tsi ntawm no:
Yog tham txog tias yog ib tug neeg twg raug neeg phem nyob txawv teb chaws dag tau lawv tej identity tag li  ID (identity) los sis yog yus lub cim thawj ntawd ntau npaum li cas piv txiv li seb lawv puas tau yus tej hnub yug, chaw nyob xov tooj, passport thiab bank card, bank account detail, driver's license thiab tus neeg ntawd ho yog cov neeg phem nyob txawv teb chaws ces Pov Lauj kuj qhia tias,  kuj tsuas nyob ntawm tias seb tus neeg ntawd los yog cov neeg phem ntawd puas yog cov neeg uas tub ceev xwm pej kum haiv tab tom los tshuaj ntsuam xyuas xwb tsis li ntawd ces tub ceev xwm yuav ua tsis tau dab tsi los yog pab tsis tau koj dab tsi thiab, tej zaum lawv tsuas teev zwm thiab tau muaj tej xwm txheej no tau tshwm sim rau koj xwb, qhov ntawd yog qhov lawv ua tau xwb.

Tab sis ib qho uas Pov Lauj qhia ntxiv ces yog tias tej neeg phem ntawd txawm nyob txawv teb chaws thiab lawv ua tsis tau dab tsi rau koj tej identity thiab tej xov xwm los lawv yeej muaj peev xwm muab koj tej xov xwm coj mus dag tias yog koj kom qev tau nyiaj lwm qhov siv los sis yog muab koj tej identity muag rau cov neeg ntawm koj lub teb chaws rau lwm tus neeg ces lawv coj koj tej xov xwm ua txoj coj mus dag tej txhab nyiaj tias yog koj kom qev tau nyiaj rau lawv siv thiab. 

Yog li ntawd tej txhab nyiaj thiaj tsis muaj peev xwm pab tau koj dab tsi ntau, vim lawv tsuas paub tej xov xwm raug neeg dag thaum tej neeg sawv daws qhia rau scamwatch xwb thiab.


Zaj lus tawm tswv yim no tsuas yog qhia ua xov xwm kom sawv daws paub txog tias tej neeg phem siv tswv yim dab tsi los ntxias dag tej neeg kom sawv daws thiab txhob raug dag xwb thiab tsis tau ua tib zoo txheeb xyuas tej xwm txheej uas tau tshwm sim rau koj cov kev raug neeg phem ntxias dag. Yog li ntawd thiaj xav kom koj yuav tsum tau mus sab laj nrog cov neeg muaj ntaub ntawv raug cai uas muaj cai sab laj tawm tswv yim thiab pab tej neeg raug cov teeb meem no tsi ntsees thiaj yuav pab cuam tau raws li qhov tsim nyog. Yog koj lam ua raws li tej lus ntawm zaj xov xwm no ya tsis tau sab laj nrog cov financial counsellor thiab muaj teeb meem tuaj ces koj yog tus yuav tau ris tej teeb meem tshwm sim kheej xwb.
What is...infographic
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Self-isolation and social distancing
Siv ntau txoj xub ke sib txuas lus nrog lwm tus kom peb txhob nyuaj siab (SBS) Source: SBS
Mloog tau  rau hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) thaum 6 pm AEDT thiab hnub zwj Hnub  (Sunday) thaum 11 am AEDT los yog koom tau ntxiv ntawm  thiab subscribe los sis yog download thiab mloog tau ntau cov podcasts (xov xwm ua suab) ntawm, thiab  los yog download  kom koj mloog tau SBS Hmong.
