Reserve Bank of Australia puas yuav nce kab theem paj?


Xov xwm luv Credit: SBS/Max Banyat

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Australia lub txhab nyiaj faj seeb haiv Reserve Bank of Australia tseem yuav qhia tias seb puas yuav nce kab theem paj...,

Xov xwm luv tshaj tawm hnub zwj Quag (Tuesday news 06.08.2024).

Muaj ib tug txiv neej raug kheb tom tuag ntawm far-north Queensland.

Australia lub txhab nyiaj faj seeb haiv (Reserve Bank of Australia) tseem yuav qhia hnub no tav su tias seb puas nce los tsis nce kab theem paj.

Antony Blinken uas yog Meskas tus nom txawv teb chaws tau cheem kom txhua tog cheem lawv tus kheej rau lub caij uas muaj ib lub foob pob tua nws lub yeej tub rog ntawm Western Iraq thiab ua rau muaj nws ntau tus tub rog raug mob.

Michael Murphy uas yog tus hau tub ceev xwm xeev Northern Territory tau tawm los hais lub thov txim rau lub caij nws koom lub koom txoos Garma Festival tias ''Thov txim tiag tiag rau tej tub ceev xwm Northern Territory thiab ntau yam kev puas tsuaj uas tau muaj rau Australia tej neeg txum tim ntawm lub xeev no txij thaum tau teeb tsa xyoo 1870 los.''
Tab sis lub koom haum tub ceev xwm ntawm lub xeev no qhias tias tsis yog nws txoj hauj lwm yuav qhia tias tub ceev xwm ua tau hauj lwm li cas tab sis yuav tau ua raws li tsoom fwv teb chaws tej cai los tswj ntau yam hauj lwm.

Google raug liam tias xav noj kheej tom qab tau muaj ib tug kws txiav txim plaub ntug tau txiav txim rau nws tias nws tau siv lub tswv yim ua rau lwm cov lagluam tsis muaj peev xwm sib tw thiab ua rau muaj teeb meem rau tej laj lim tswv yim ua lagluam.

Txim xyoo 2025 tom ntej no ces tej neeg Australia mus rau Meskas yuav tau siv cov U-S Global Entry program pab kom tsis txhob tau tos ntev ntawm tshav dav hlau thiab txheeb security clearance kom sai.

Vientiane Times tau qhia tias Askiv thiab Nplog pom zoo ua cov lagluam green economy thiab yuav los siv cov tswv yim tshiab ua lagluam, daws teeb meem huab cua pauv hloov, pab kom tej zejzog ntxeem dhau tej xwm txheej huab cua pauv hloov thiab tig los siv cov renewable energy.

The Laotian Times qhia tias Nplog tus thawj pwm tsav Sonexay Siphandone tau hais kom lub tuam chav Home Affairs thiab Public Security los ua tus tsim cov national digital database rau Nplog cov pej xeem thiab ua cov personal identity card.

Paris Olympics 2024 ces Swden tus neeg Armand Duplantis kuj yeej npib kub rau cov kev sib tw pole vault thiab yeej nws cov personal world record. Hockey ces Australia swb 3-2 rau Suav thaum sib tw quarter final, thiab Noemie Fox kuj yeej cov kev sib tw kayak thiab nrog nws tus muam Jess Fox tau npib kub. Sunisa Lee kuj tau npib tooj rau cov kev sib tw uneven bars.

Mloog tau hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) 6 pm, hnub zwj Hnub (Sunday) 11 am, los yog koom tau ntxiv ntawm , , thiab . Downloadthiab caum
