Yuav ua li cas rau tej khaub ncaws koj tsis xav hnav lawm

Australia Explained: Clothing Waste - Woman folding laundry

It can be fun to clean out your wardrobe while addressing excessive consumption. Credit: Cavan Images/Getty Images

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Yeej muaj neeg Australia yeej tau muab lawv tej khaub ncaws ntau tshaj 200,000 tonnes raug coj mus faus tau tom tej chaw faus khoom seem txeej ib lub xyoos twg. Txawm li cas los peb yeej muaj peev xwm nrog xyuas kom tsis txhob muaj tej teeb meem no yog tias peb coj mus recycle, coj mus pub rau lwm tus siv, los sis yog cov mus sib pauv nrog lwm tus kom yus los yog lwm tus neeg tau tej khaub ncaws txawv coj los hnav los tau yog tias peb tsis xav hnav lawm.

Ntsiab lus tseem ceeb:
  • Tsis txhob coj koj tej khuab ncaws mus pov rau lub thoob recycling bin.
  • Tej khw muag khaub ncaws yeej kam coj tej tej khauv ncaws uas tsis hais zoo li cas li coj mus recycle.
  • Tej khaub ncaws qub tsis zoo lawm uas coj mus pub rau tej koom haum pab cuam ces yuav raug coj mus faus lawm xwb thiab tseem yuav ua rau tej koom haum pab cuam poob nyiaj los yog ua rau muaj teeb meem rau tej ib puag ncig xwb thiab.
Lub koom haum Australian Fashion Council yeej cej luam tias peb ib tug twg yeej yuav 56 cev khaub ncaws hnav txhua lub xyoo twg.

Peb tej khaub ncaws hais ntsi ntsees rau cov , ces yeej ntuag sai, puas los yog ua rau peb dhuav tsis xav hnav lawm, yog li thiaj tsim nyog peb yuav tau nrog xyuas kom coj mus pov tseg raws li qhov tsim nyog pov xwb. Txhais tau tias kom tsis txhob raug coj mus faus ntawm tej chaw faus khoom seem txeej (chaw faus khib nyiab) yog tias peb coj mus pub rau lwm tus hnav los yog coj mus recycle.

Yus lub thoob recycling bin pab daws tsis tau tej teeb meem no

Rebecca Gilling uas yog tus coj ntawm lub koom haum Planet Ark tshab txhais tias “Qhov tseem ceeb ces kom nco tias tsis txhob muab yus tej khaub ncaws, tej khau, tej ntaub, tej pam vov chaw pua los yog tej phuam da dej los sis yog lwm yam ntaub coj mus tso rau yus lub thoob recycling bin.''
Tos hais li ntawd los vim tsis muaj peev xwm yuav coj tej khoom uas yog ntaub xov no rov qab coj mus nchuav ua dua cov tshiab coj los siv, thiab yog tseem coj mus tso rau tej tshuab recycle ces yuav ua rau daig xwb.
Rebecca Gilling, CEO of Planet Ark
kom ib lub tuam txhab lagluam twg tuaj thauj koj tej khaub ncaws uas koj tsis xav yuav dawb xwb los yog koj muaj peev xwm coj mus recyle los yog coj rov qab mus siv dua.
Australia Explained: Clothing Waste - donation bin
Source: Moment RF / Andrew Merry/Getty Images

Coj koj tej khaub ncaws mus pub tej khw ‘op shop’

Tej neeg Australia yeej nyiaj coj lawv tej khaub ncaws uas tsis xav hnav lawm coj mus pub tej koom haum pab lwm tus. Thiab yus yeej tsis tau them dab tsi li coj mus pub rau cov khw hu ua 'op shop' - los yog coj mus tso rau tej thawv uas tej khoom haum pab cuam no coj mus tso rau ib qho qhov twg ntawm koj tej kiab khw ntawm koj zos.

Thiab tej khw op shops no yeej muab tej khaub ncaws no coj mus muag tau nyiaj yuav laug txog li ntawm 1 billion dollars.

Txawm tias peb muaj lub hom phiaj zoo los xav kom peb yuav tau ceev faj rau tej khoom uas peb coj mus pub rau lwm tus thiab.

Ms Gilling hais tias “Peb tsis xav kom tej neeg pheej coj tej khoom lawv tsis xav tau uas twb qub qub heev, los yog ntuag lawm coj mus pub rau lwm tus, vim yuav raug coj mus faus lawm xwb, thiab yuav ua rau tej koom haum poob nyiaj. Tam sim no ces tej khw ntawm tej koom paum pab lwm no yeej siv nyiaj txog li ntawm $13 million rau ib xyoo twg coj tej khaub ncaws uas lwm tus tsis xav tau no los yog tej khoom puas lawm uas pheej coj mus rau lawv tej thoob ntawd coj mus pov tseg."

Thiab raws li Omer Soker uas yog tus coj lub koom haum Charitable Recycling Australia hasi ces koj yeej muaj ib txoj xub ke yooj yim rau koj muaj peev xwm coj tau koj tej khaub ncaws tseem zoo coj mus pub rau lwm tus thiab.
Yog tias koj twb tsis xav pub rau koj tej phooj ywg lwm, ces tsis txhob coj mus pub rau tej khoom pab lwm tus lawm.
Omer Soker, CEO of Charitable Recycling Australia
Koj muaj peev xwm txheeb tau ntau cov khw op shops uas muaj thoob teb chaws Australia ntawm lub koom haum , li:
  • Salvos
  • Vinnies
  • Australian Red Cross
  • Save the Children
  • Lifeline
  • Anglicare
  • Brotherhood of St Laurence
Ces lub vas sab (website) ntawd yeej muaj tej twj siv coj los ''pab txheeb'' tias seb yam khoom ntawd puas yuav ua rau muaj teeb meem li cas rau tej ib puag ncig.
Australia Explained: Clothing Waste - Ol wokman oli sortem aot ol klos
Tej neeg ua hauj lwm tseem tab tom txheeb tej khaub ncaws ntawm lub koom haum St Vincent de Paul Society, uas yog ib lub koom haum coj pab lwm tus uas rov qab coj tej khaub ncaws mus siv dua ntxiv ntawm nroog Sydney. Source: AFP / PETER PARKS/AFP via Getty Images

Coj koj tej khaub ncaws mus recycle

Yog tias koj twb tsis xav pub rau koj tej phooj ywg siv lawm, ces txheeb seb ho muaj tej khw muag khaub ncaws twg ho muaj cov recycling program dab tsi siv.

Ms Gilling hais tias ''H&M yeej muaj cov free recycling program uas ntawm ib co khw uas yeej txais tag nrho txhua yam khaub ncaws los yog tej ntaub xo thiab."

“Hos Zara los kuj yog ib lub khwv uas yeej muaj cov free recycling collection program ntawm nws ib txhia khw uas txais tej khoom no thiab. Ua ke no los Uniqlo kuj muaj ib cov program no khaws tej neeg yuav lawv tej khaub ncaws uas lawv tsis xav hnav thiab nqa rov qab coj mus rau lawv thiab txawm tias tej khaub ncaws ntawd yuav zoo li cas li. Patagonia los kuj muaj ib cov program uas koj coj koj tej khuab ncaws qub lawm los yog ntuag lawm, puas lawm rov qab coj mus rau lawv kom tau ib cov credit rau yus thiab."

Koj muaj peev xwm mus txheeb tau tej khw ntau yam tau ntawm lub vas sab .

Koj tej nom tswv zos los tej zaum yeej muaj tej chaw rau koj coj mus tso rau thiab.

Lub koom haum Planet Earth yeej kam txais ntau yam khoom li tej khau sib tw (sport shoes) ntawm NSW, VIC, thiab Queensland thiab. Tej koom haum no yeej yog cov koom haum not-for-profit organisation (ngo) uas rov qab coj tej khau uas tseem zoo mus pub rau tej neeg txom nyem thoob ntuj no tau rau thiab.

Mus koom tej koom txoos sib pauv khaub ncaws hnav

Tam sim no ces yeej muaj cov koom txoos Clothing Exchange uas yog ib cov koom txoos sib pauv khaub ncaws nrog lwm tus uas tab tom muaj neeg nyiam mus koom coob heev lawm thiab.

Adam Worling uas yog tus tswv nroog City of Sydney tshab txhais tias “Yog ib lub cib fim tseem ceeb rau tej neeg coj lawv tej khaub ncaws uas tej zaum tsis txaus hnav lawm, los yog tej uas lawv tsis xav hnav lawm coj mus pauv lwm tus cov rau yus hnav thiab."

Tsis tas li ntawd los kuj yog tej yam zoo uas los pab yus tu yus lub tub rau khaub ncaws kom tsis txhob pheej yuav khaub ncaws ntau heev los hnav thiab.

Worling thiaj hais tias “Thiaj yuav pab kom ttej khaub ncaws no tsis txhob ras los ua cov khoom seem txeej thiab pab kom yog muaj ib tug twg ho nyiam tsum raug tej khaub ncaws uas yus ib txwm nyiam dhau los ntawd kom ho tau coj mus hnav ntxiv thiab."

Koj muaj peev xwm mus txheeb tau tej koom txoos thoob teb chaws uas uas yuav muaj tom ntej no tau thiab.
Australia Explained : Clothing Waste
Kuv yeej npaj ntau yam khaub ncaws sib txawv yuav coj mus sib pauv nrog lwm tus ntawm lub koom txoos sib pauv khaub ncaws Source: Moment RF / Marissa Powell/Getty Images

Txhawb nqa tej lagluam uas rov qab coj tej khoom mus siv

Peb yuav tau ua tib zoo los txheeb seb ho siv tau tej khaub ncaws no li cas. Lub koom haum Charitable Recycling Australia yeej yog ib lub uas muaj peev xwm ua tau tej hauj lwm uas 'rov qab coj tej khoom mus siv dua' tau zoo heev, uas xav kom tag nrho peb sawv daws tsis txhob pheej yuav taj khoom ntau heev coj los siv, thiab kom peb rov qab coj tej khoom ntawd mus siv dua los yog coj rov qab mus recycle yog tias peb muaj peev xwm ua tau.
Yog ib cov kev txhawb nqa zoo kom tej neeg kub siab txog tej khoom siv.
Omer Soker, CEO of Charitable Recycling Australia
Mr Soker hais tias “Txhais tau tias tsuas yuav tej khaub ncaws los yog tej khoom uas tsim nyog siv tiag tiag xwb, thiab siv kom kav ntev, yog yog kho rov qab coj los siv dua, thiab yog tias ho tsis xav siv lawm los ho muab coj mus pub rau tej khoom haum pab tej neeg txom nyem kom lwm tus neeg ho tau rov qab coj mus siv txuas ntxiv yog tias tej khoom ntawd tseem zoo siv. Los sis yog tias tej khoom ntawd ho qub lawm thiab tsim nyog coj mus pov tseg ces ua zoo xyuas kom coj mus pov tseg raws li qhov tsim nyog pov thiab."
