Mus sim seb puas tau cov kab mob cancer tsev me nyuam

Cervical cancer

HPV and cervical cancer Source: Bēhance

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Txhob cia txoj kev txaj muag ua rau koj tas sim neej vim tsis xav mus sim seb puas puas yog koj mob kab mob cancer tsev me nyuam!

Ntiaj teb lub koom haum tswj kev noj qab haus huv qhia tias xyoo 2018 no muaj neeg mob cancer tsev me nyuam ze txog li 570,000 tus, thiab muaj cov poj niam tau cov mob txog 90% uas tas sim neej lawm yog cov nyob ntawm cov teb chaws txom nyem los yog tab tom txhim kho.

Txawm li cas los peb yeej muaj peev xwm hno cov tshuaj vaccine Human Papilloma Vaccine tiv thaiv thiab siv cov kev mus sim cervical cancer screening test seb puas tau cov mob no kom thiaj li kho tau sai pab ntxiv.

Saib tau lwm yam kab mob cancer ua rau tej neeg mob thiab tas sim neej rau xyoo 2018 tau ntawm  

Yog koj xav tau xov xwm kom ntxaws ntxiv txog cov kev sim cervical cancer screening test ces txheeb tau ntawm lub vas sab no  los sis hu tau rau tus zauv xov tooj 13 15 56 thiab ho mus txheeb xyuas tau cov kab mov Human Papilloma Virus -HPV, los yog cov kab mob cancer tsev me nyuam (Cervical cancer) tau ntawm lub vas sab no .

Mloog tau ntau yam xov xwm ua lus Hmoob thiab lus Askiv tau raws li hauv qab no:
