The Podcast Podcast: Making an Opera, Door de ogen van de koning and Anders nabij

Podcast Making an Opera

Credit: NTR / NPO Radio 4

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Every month, at SBS Dutch, we talk about beautiful, special or popular Dutch-language podcasts that are really worth listening to. Episode 19: Making an Opera, Door de ogen van de koning and Anders nabij.

1. Making an Opera
'Making an Opera' is the story of seven young singers who were given the opportunity of a lifetime: to sing a world premiere at Dutch National Opera. Stef Visjager followed the singers and the artistic team behind the scenes for a year and a half.
Verf en bloed
4 Het kringgesprek
Cruel fate
Alles behalve een gouden slipje
Een levende componist
There is only tonight
Podcast Making an Opera
Credit: NTR / NPO Radio 4
2. Door de ogen van de Koning
On the occasion of his tenth anniversary as King, King Willem-Alexander will speak in ten podcast episodes with former radio maker Edwin Evers. Together they look back at a year in each episode, starting at 2013 and ending at 2022, and the first months of 2023. In the last episode they also look ahead. This podcast series was made by Tonny Media on behalf of the Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst.
Podcast door de ogen van de koning
Credit: RVD / Tonny media
3. Anders nabij
In the podcast 'Anders nabij' by audio maker Eva Droogmans, five families talk about the loss of a child. About how they try to give their lives back direction, without ever forgetting their child.
Podcast Anders Nabij
