Mirjam travelled 4 months through Australia with her children: 'I would recommend it to everyone! '

Mirjam Kleine did the Big Lap of Australia in 4 months. Here is posing with her two children Sanne (r) and Daan at Kata Tjuta.

Mirjam Kleine did the Big Lap of Australia in 4 months. Here is posing with her two children Sanne (r) and Daan at Kata Tjuta. Credit: Mirjam Kleine

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It's a common thing now; families travelling around Australia for a longer period of time, while father and/or mother work 'on the road' and the children (often) follow distance education. Last year, Mirjam Kleine took her children on a four-month 'Big Lap'. She happily explains why she started this adventure, how she funded it and how the children experienced it.

This interview is in Dutch.

Mirjam, Sanne and Daan traveled by car and slept in a simple tent.
Mirjam Kleine did the Big Lap of Australia in 4 months with her two children. They travelled with a car and and a tent.
Mirjam Kleine did the Big Lap of Australia in 4 months with her two children. They travelled with a car and and a tent. Credit: Mirjam Kleine
