After 11,500 km, Erwin and Monique temporarily say goodbye to their horses

Erwin van Vliet met paarden

Erwin van Vliet met zijn geliefde paarden Credit: Monique en Erwin van Vliet / Tales of the Trail Australia

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For years, Monique and Erwin van Vliet's lives were about horses 24/7. The non-stop hard work took its toll, and Erwin fell into a depression. The couple sold their ranch in WA, and travelled around Australia on horseback, to catch their breath. After more than 2.5 years, the couple arrived in the Northern Territory, where, last week, a big decision was made. The horses go back to WA, and Erwin will finish 'the lap' on a mountain bike. Monique explains why.

This interview is in Dutch.
