Five Weird Hitler Myths

From germs to Disney to trips to the moon, the life of Adolf Hitler behind closed doors was interesting.


Source: SBS

Just when you thought you knew everything you ever possibly could about Adolf Hitler, along comes new SBS series .

Our fascination with the tyrant is boundless, and with that comes conspiracy theories and a never-ending array of myths. Some are weird but credible, others are just plain balmy.

Here are five of the weirdest Hitler myths.

He tried to create zombies

Somehow this myth doesn’t seem as strange as is should when you consider the types of extreme experimentation the Nazis were into.

While professor of art history and columnist Noah Charney there’s no reliable evidence that the Nazis were attempting to reanimate the dead, there is some plausibility to the theory.

Hitler and head of the SS Heinrich Himmler were both fascinated by the occult, with Himmler establishing the in 1935 (the inspiration for the Indiana Jones plotlines), a research group investigating the paranormal, which was expanded during WW2.

And then there’s the horrific experiments carried out on prisoners in concentration camps in an attempt to test the survival thresholds of Nazi soldiers. One experiment involved freezing test subjects to unconsciousness and then resuscitating them.

He was a Disney fan

This should be listed as a prime example of the word incongruous in any dictionary. If it’s true, of course.

Yes, Hitler allegedly loved cute Disney animated movies - particularly Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The Nazis reportedly sourced dozens of Disney animated movies for the dictator to watch.
Adolf Hitler
Source: Supplied
In his down time between bouts of terrorising Europe, it’s said he enjoyed sketching Disney characters. In 2008, a director of a Norwegian war museum, William Hakvaag  he’d found sketches Hitler had drawn of Bashful and Doc and also one of Pinocchio, hidden behind a painting believed to be by Hitler.

He was a sexual deviant with only one ball

It’s actually not a stretch that Hitler was a man of perversions. But there are so many sex myths about the man that, if true, would make him nothing short of a sex maniac.

Now, no one wants to think about Hitler having sex, so forgive us if we initiate some ugly mind imagery.

Let’s start with some of the most perverse myths. According to US intelligence at the time, Hitler enjoyed a particularly moist kink - think President Elect Trump, rhymes with 'molten flowers'. It’s said he was also aroused by a good kicking from his lovers and that he had bull semen injected so he’d be strong like bull in the bedroom.

At the other extreme, Martin Amis author of Nazi-era novel ‘Zone of Interest’ that the man was such a germaphobe - again, hello Trump - that he wouldn’t undress for sex and would climax from afar as he watched mistress Eva Braun lift up her skirt.

His possible sexual dysfunction has been a source of titillation since WW2. Did he have a micropenis? Did he only have one testicle? As the story goes, he lost one due to an injury when fighting during the Battle of the Somme in 1916. The myth permeated pop culture to the point that during the war the ditty  ‘Hitler Has Only Got One Ball’ became a much-sung tune with the British version including the lyric "Hitler has only got one ball, the other is in the Albert Hall."

He built UFOs

According to this wacky myth promulgated by hard-core conspiracy theorists and tabloid rags, Hitler didn't commit suicide in 1945 but hopped in a U-boat to Antarctica to cohabit with aliens called "Grey-Reptilian Confederates”.
Hitler Alien
Source: Supplied
There, the Nazis were said to be dabbling with UFO technology, the aliens assisting scientists to a "gigantic, cigar-shaped UFO mother ship."

Theorists believe the U.S Government took over the Nazi programme at the end of WW2 and further developed the alien technology.

He escaped to the moon

Also to be taken with a mother ship of salt is the myth that Hitler escaped his crumbling Nazi regime on earth and fled to the moon via a high-tech rocket. This would make him the first man on the moon.

According to , the moon conspiracy arose from the Nazis developing advanced weapon technology in the late stages of the war. Some believe that the Nazis had communicated with UFOs and landed on the moon as early as 1942.

The Australian-German-Finnish feature Iron Sky, had a ball with this myth, with its zany story of a Nazi moon base shaped like a swastika with earth-destroying UFO technology.

Documentary series Hitler's Secrets doesn't feature a moon Hitler, but it is nontheless fascinating viewing. Watch it this Saturday night on SBS at 7:30pm. Previous episodes can be streamed on :

5 min read
Published 9 February 2017 12:41pm
Updated 9 February 2017 12:49pm
By James Mitchell

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