This incredible couple adopted 22 HIV-positive children

Rajib Thomas and Mini Reji have shared their home with HIV-positive orphans, providing them with healthcare and education.

This couple has adopted 22 HIV-positive children

Papa Reji and his wife Mini have two biological childlren and 22 they have adopted. Source: YouTube

Rajib Thomas (known affectionately as Papa Reji) and his wife Mini Reji became determined to help HIV-positive children after seeing a malnourished girl outside their local hospital in Mumbai ten years ago. 

"I saw a girl sleeping outside – weak to the point that you could see her bones," recalls Papa Reji. “I found out that she was HIV positive and had lost both her parents."

He continues: “I asked what she would like to eat and she said noodles, but I couldn’t find them anywhere so I promised her I would return the next day. She passed away that night and that incident kept haunting me, so I went inside the hospital and asked them to contact me if there were any such children in the future.”
This couple has adopted 22 HIV positive children
The couple slept on the floor at one point to accomodate the children they were welcoming into their home. Source: YouTube
Since then, the couple has adopted 22 children who are HIV positive, sharing what they have to provide the kids with health care, education, and food.
“Being HIV positive doesn’t mean that they have to cut their life short,” says Reji.

“They can live as long as any normal person and that’s what I’m here for – to save them and give them a long life.

“And with love and care, everything is possible.”

2 min read
Published 18 February 2017 10:02am
By Michaela Morgan


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