Turnbull urges senators: listen to polls

With polls showing support for a number of budget measures, the prime minister has called on senators to heed what voters want.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

File image of Malcolm Turnbull (AAP) Source: AAP

Malcolm Turnbull has urged senators to listen to public opinion as they weigh up whether to pass his government's latest budget.

The latest Fairfax-Ipsos and Newspoll show strong support for three key budget measures - a levy on the five biggest banks, a 0.5 percentage point lift in the Medicare levy to fund the national disability insurance scheme and a $18.6 billion rise in schools funding over the decade.

While Labor supports the bank levy, the opposition says the government should not impose the higher Medicare levy on lower-income earners and it argues the school funding package represents a $22 billion cut.

Spruiking the budget in Sydney on Monday, the prime minister said voters had endorsed its fairness.

"What that means is that the budget has got a big tick of approval," Mr Turnbull said.

"That's the important thing because we want the senators to listen to that, the sentiment that's being reflected from the public, and support all those measures when they come to the Senate."

The prime minister said the government would sit down with all senators and negotiate each measure "one at a time".

The polls also pointed to a landslide win for Labor, with both giving the opposition a 53-47 two-party preferred lead.

However, Mr Turnbull dismissed this aspect, saying the federal election was still two years away.

"If we continue to work hard and deliver on good outcomes for the Australian people, we will be returned in two years' time," he said at the Richmond RAAF base, where US defence giant Northrup Grumman announced a new electronics maintenance centre.

Labor leader Bill Shorten said his party would not be "bullied" by Mr Turnbull into accepting his budget when there were other ways to find the money including axing corporate tax cuts and keeping the deficit levy on high-income earners.

"You can't and you won't bully Labor away from doing what we think is in the national interest," Mr Shorten said, visiting a Melbourne TAFE campus.

"I am backing the future. Mr Turnbull is running around the country backing in millionaires and multinationals."

Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young said her party was still weighing up whether to support the schools plan.

"We want a fairer, more equitable model that looks after our public schools and the most needy schools," she told Sky News.

"But at first blush ... I don't think the government's model is backed up with enough funding."

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson, whose party holds four Senate seats, last week described the bank levy as "policy on the run" and questioned the benefit of it when customers could be hit by higher interest rates and lower returns on savings.

She also queried the amount of money being spent on the NDIS, arguing it was being "rorted" and people in the system should have to justify their claims before a government-appointed doctor each year.

3 min read
Published 15 May 2017 6:24pm
Source: AAP

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