Turnbull not giving up on TPP

The prime minister is determined to keep the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal alive, despite the United States withdrawing.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

The prime minister is determined to keep the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal alive. (AAP)

Malcolm Turnbull says the government won't bring its bill to ratify a Pacific trade deal to parliament until he has a better idea how the Senate will vote.

However, he remains committed to the Trans-Pacific Partnership to boost jobs and economic growth.

Labor says the TPP is "dead" because US President Donald Trump has decided to withdraw from it.

But leader Bill Shorten still wants to run the detail of the proposed legislation past his shadow cabinet before committing the opposition to a final position.

The prime minister says the decision on when the legislation will go forward will depend on discussions with other TPP members and the position of the Senate.

"It's not my practice to introduce legislation into the parliament that isn't going to be passed, so we'll assess that on its merits," he told reporters.

Kevin Rudd says it's a good idea to keep the TPP alive.

Now president of the Asia Society, Mr Rudd said if it was possible to sustain the TPP across the remaining countries that would be positive.

China should also be invited into it, he's told a forum in New York.

2 min read
Published 27 January 2017 6:58am
Source: AAP

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