Turnbull jets off pre-budget to meet Trump

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will sit down with US President Donald Trump for the first time in New York, just days before the federal budget.

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Malcolm Turnbull (AAP) Source: AAP

Ensuring peace in the Asia-Pacific should be top of the agenda for Malcolm Turnbull's first face-to-face meeting with Donald Trump, former prime ministers say.

Mr Turnbull will meet with Mr Trump in New York on May 4 on USS Intrepid, a decommissioned World War II aircraft carrier, as it hosts commemorations for the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Coral Sea.

The meeting follows the the pair's heated and hostile January phone call which made headlines around the world.

Mr Trump reportedly described it as the "worst call by far" after phoning a number of leaders after taking office almost 100 days ago.

The tension was over an Australia-US refugee deal originally struck with Barack Obama and later reluctantly agreed to by Mr Trump on the proviso there was "extreme vetting".

In a statement after the White House confirmed the event, Mr Turnbull said he was "delighted" to be meeting Mr Trump.

"My meeting with President Trump will provide an opportunity to reaffirm our alliance and the United States' engagement with the Asia-Pacific," the prime minister said.

Former prime minister Paul Keating said it was important Mr Turnbull underline the need for a stronger relationship between China and the US.

"It doesn't suit the United States or Australia for (China) to be de-legitimised because of US strategic interests," Mr Keating told a Lowy Institute event on Wednesday.

"The most important thing for Australia is that there is peace in the Pacific between the two major powers."

Kevin Rudd said Mr Turnbull should seek support for global diplomatic talks over North Korea, suggesting Kazakhstan could host a meeting.

"The possibility of massive destruction in Seoul itself should focus the mind when it comes to any contemplation in the United States about the wisdom of unilateral military action," the former prime minister told ABC radio.

"I'd begin to talk about what the South Koreans should and could do and also bilaterally with the North."

Acting prime minister Barnaby Joyce said it was important the leaders met in person early in the president's term.

"Inevitably they do (improve relations)," Mr Joyce told reporters in Brisbane.

"There is something of chemistry when two people meet face to face which is probably not present over a phone call."

It was not a case of Australia being the "deputy sheriff" to the USA, but two leaders with shared values building a closer relationship.

Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne told reporters Australia supported the US putting pressure on North Korea and China, which had the most influence on the regime.

"Obviously the North Korean peninsula situation is a very, very serious one but it's critical ... that the North Koreans not develop an intercontinental ballistic missile capability that can reach Australia or continental US and certainly not one that can carry nuclear warheads," Mr Pyne said.

The timing of Mr Turnbull's latest trip is tricky given it takes him away from final budget deliberations before its delivery in Canberra on May 9.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said that while the US visit was important, the timing was "unfortunate".

"This government needs to let Australians know where the country is headed, and so far we have not seen a lot of clear focus from the government about the budget," Mr Shorten said.

4 min read
Published 26 April 2017 3:38pm
Source: AAP

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