Turnbull happy with EU, UK talks

SBS World News Radio: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says his trip to Europe has been a great opportunity to meet other leaders and, particularly, to secure strong commitments on trade.

Turnbull happy with EU, UK talks

Turnbull happy with EU, UK talks

After attending the G20 summit in Germany, he travelled to Paris and London for talks with his counterparts and an audience with Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace.

Speaking from London after wrapping up a whirlwind tour in Europe, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull appeared pleased with what he achieved.

"It's been a very successful visit, to the G20, to France and to the United Kingdom. At the G20, we were able to secure unanimous support for a strong statement on counterterrorism and, in particular, on ensuring that there will not be ungoverned spaces online, that the rule of law will prevail online and offline."

He says there were strong outcomes on other issues, too.

"On trade, in particular. As you saw, we had a very good meeting with President Widodo, President Jokowi, of Indonesia, and he gave his commitment to concluding an Australia-Indonesia trade agreement by the end of the year."

There was not unanimous support, however, on the issue of climate change.

G20 leaders - or what became known at the summit as G19 leaders - renewed their pledge to implement the Paris climate agreement, with or without the United States.

After holding meetings with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the sidelines of the summit, Mr Turnbull heaped praise on France's new president, Emmanuel Macron.

He even accepted a ride with him from Hamburg to Paris in Mr Macron's presidential plane.

And then it was on to London, for talks with British prime minister Theresa May on counterterrorism and trade.

Free-trade agreements are being sought with not only Britain before it leaves the European Union in 2019, but also the EU itself.

Australian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Alexander Downer says Australia is a free-trade country and is always looking for opportunities.

"Well, we can negotiate two trade agreements, or three trade agreements, at once. We're negotiating at the moment with Indonesia, we're beginning the negotiations -- we hope they'll be launched before the end of the year -- with the European Union. And the Prime Minister and President (Donald) Tusk and the president of the (European) Commission (Jean Claude) Juncker want to try to get a free-trade agreement with the European Union concluded before the UK leaves the EU."

Although the Prime Minister may have been half a world away, domestic politics back in Australia were still on his mind, too.

In a speech in London, he defended the direction of his Government after constant criticism by his predecessor, Tony Abbott.

Then Mr Turnbull's final engagement was an audience with Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace.

In a tweet, the Prime Minister said, "Although I am a Republican, I am also an Elizabethan."

Mr Turnbull, who co-founded the Australian Republican Movement, spoke to reporters beforehand.

"Politics is full of unpredictable events. And all I can say is that many -- I would say 'most' -- Australian Republicans are Elizabethans as well."

Mr Turnbull has previously publicly advocated for a republic, but he says he believes Australians will not support such a change during the Queen's reign.



3 min read
Published 12 July 2017 6:00pm
Updated 12 July 2017 6:11pm
By Maya Jamieson

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