Top stories in Tasmania in 2018

A look at the top stories in Tasmania in 2018 - a re-elected Liberal government, inverted Christian crosses, a runaway driverless train and a grisly torso find.

ELECTION: Liberal Premier Will Hodgman is re-elected, his party winning 13 seats in the state's 25-seat House of Assembly. Labor claims 10 seats, the Greens two. (Mar)

SPEAKER: Liberal MP Sue Hickey shocks parliament when on the first sitting day of the year she votes with Labor and the Greens to become Speaker, trumping the government's nomination. Ms Hickey votes as an independent and has since crossed the floor to pass contentious transgender rights reforms. (May)

DARK MOFO: Performance artist Mike Parr receives global attention when he's buried in a steel container under a Hobart street for three days during Dark Mofo. The controversial winter festival draws the ire of some Christians when massive inverted crosses are erected along Hobart's waterfront. (June)

TORSO FIND: Two people are charged over the alleged murder of Jake Daniel Anderson-Brettner, 24, whose torso is found in bushland outside Launceston. (Aug)

DERAILMENT: Two people are injured by flying debris when an out-of-control driverless train is forcibly derailed in Devonport. The 1132-tonne train travelled 21 kilometres after it became unresponsive to controls while being loaded with cement. (Sept)

BREACH: Primary Industries Minister Sarah Courtney reveals she has started a relationship with her head of department Dr John Whittington. Ms Courtney is shifted to new portfolios after an investigation finds she breached ministerial code of conduct. (Oct)

GENDER: Landmark transgender reforms that would make mentioning gender on Tasmanian birth certificates optional pass the state's lower house. The legislation is expected to be debated by the legislative council in March. (Nov)

2 min read
Published 28 December 2018 1:18pm
Source: AAP

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