'Staggering sexism': Why there's backlash over coverage of Jacinda Ardern's resignation

The BBC has been criticised for a headline used in its coverage of Ms Ardern's resignation, prompting the broadcaster to make a change.

A woman speaking to the media.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced on Thursday that she would resign. Source: AAP, AP / Warren Buckland

Key Points:
  • A headline used by the BBC in its coverage of Jacinda Ardern's resignation has drawn criticism online.
  • It comes as world leaders, such as Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, paid tribute to Ms Ardern.
  • While Ms Ardern's popularity rose internationally, at home she has faced growing political headwinds.
The BBC is facing criticism for a headline used in its coverage of , which has been described as "staggering sexism".

Ms Ardern on Thursday, saying she spent the summer considering her future and concluded that she no longer has "enough in the tank" to seek re-election.

"I hope I leave New Zealanders with a belief that you can be kind but strong, empathetic but decisive, optimistic but focused," Ms Ardern said.

"And that you can be your own kind of leader - one who knows when it’s time to go."
Alongside its main coverage, BBC World News published a story originally with the headline: "Jacinda Ardern resigns: Can women really have it all?"

The story starts by discussing Ms Ardern's widespread popularity, with many of her fans being women who have followed her journey from new prime minister to working mother and looked up to her as a role model.

It explores the challenges she faced as leader, her falling approval rates in New Zealand despite being celebrated internationally, and the public scrutiny she faced.

The headline of the article attracted criticism on social media.
Katherine O'Brien, associate director of a British reproductive healthcare charity, called it "staggering sexism".

"I can't believe @BBCWorld published this headline in the year 2023. Staggering sexism," she wrote on Twitter.

Sangita Myska, a British television presenter, said she was "saddened to see such a reductive, sexist and inaccurate headline from the BBC World".

"It should read, 'Jacinda Ardern resigns: a world leader showing courage by breaking the taboo of discussing emotional and mental wellbeing.'"

Dr Kate Womersley, a doctor in psychiatry who writes about medicine, gender, and women’s health, called it a "disgrace".

"Jacinda Ardern has been a longstanding leader and international hero. Because of her, many more women have bigger aspirations and will enjoy bigger successes," she wrote.

"She did it all."
The BBC World News account later said the original tweet "has been deleted as the headline has been updated".

The headline of the article now reads: Jacinda Ardern resigns: Departure reveals unique pressures on PM".
It comes as world leaders paid tribute to Ms Ardern, who will leave the job as soon as Labour selects a successor.

Jacinda Ardern 'deeply humbled' by outpouring of support

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese penned an opinion piece in Nine newspapers, crediting her with writing a new rule book for leadership.

"Through the sheer power of her example, Jacinda Ardern has reminded us all that kindness and strength are not mutually exclusive. Even more importantly, she has shown that a true leader possesses both," he wrote.

Ms Ardern kept her decision secret until lunchtime on Thursday but offered Mr Albanese a heads-up before her announcement.

"I sent him a message before making the announcement and that's because he is one of the leaders that I do have a close relationship with," she said.

"I deeply valued the work that we've done together and the time we've had.

"He's become a friend and I respect him greatly. So I sent him a message. We had a quick conversation afterward yesterday and he only had roots of kindness and support."
United States President Joe Biden credited Ms Ardern with growing ties between the two countries.

"The US-New Zealand partnership is stronger than ever thanks in large part to your leadership," he said.

"Your stewardship in advancing a free and open Indo-Pacific was crucial."

Ms Ardern said she was taken aback by the volume and depth of support she had received.

"I actually feel deeply humbled," she said.

"To have those messages of gratitude has been really moving for me and for my family."
A woman smiles next to a flag.
While Ms Ardern's popularity rose internationally, at home she has faced growing political headwinds Source: Getty / Phil Walter/Getty Images

International popularity, but growing political headwinds at home

Ms Ardern has grappled with a remarkable set of trials and tragedies.

She steered Labour to power after becoming leader just seven weeks before the 2017 election day, a campaign marked by "Jacindamania".

In 2019, she comforted New Zealanders through the , her compassionate response winning global plaudits.

Further tragedy followed in December when as tourists explored its crater, killing 22 including 14 Australians.

Ms Ardern made global headlines in 2020, , with more than half the members women and the highest number of indigenous Maori politicians.
When COVID-19 arrived, she was among the first leaders to close borders and pursue a zero-tolerance strategy, holding death rates far below those of other advanced nations.

But not everyone was happy with her "go hard, go early" approach, which included a nationwide lockdown over a single infection.

While Ms Ardern's popularity rose internationally, at home she has faced growing political headwinds, struggling to prove that her leadership extended beyond crisis management and kindness.

Her ratings have dropped in recent months on a worsening housing crisis, rising living costs and mortgage rates, and growing concerns about crime. She remains, however, more popular than her rivals.

5 min read
Published 20 January 2023 4:28pm
Source: SBS, AAP, Reuters

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