SNL pokes fun at Trump, Turnbull call

Alec Baldwin, playing Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live, tells a Malcolm Turnbull character "Australia sucks. Your reef is failing. Prepare to go to war".

Saturday Night Live

Malcolm Turnbull, right, stars in this week's episode of Saturday Night Live, opposite Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump. Source: SNL/YouTube

Malcolm Turnbull has starred in this week's episode of Saturday Night Live, the legendary American sketch comedy TV show.

Actually, that's fake news wrapped in alternative facts.

The real Australian prime minister was not on the NBC network show.

An American comedian with a bad attempt at an Australian accent was in the PM's role to poke fun at last week's heated phone call with US President Donald Trump.

Oscar nominee Alec Baldwin was back playing Trump.
The skit, which opened the show, began with Trump in the Oval Office complaining to his chief strategist Steve Bannon.

The Bannon character is dressed in a grim reaper costume and has a Darth Vader-like voice.

"I've had a long day, I'm tired and cranky and feel like I could freak out on somebody," Trump says.

"Then maybe you should call Australia," Bannon suggests.

Trump is not sure, says he has not been briefed on what to say, but quickly says: "What could go wrong?"

The president calls.

"Hello. Prime Minister Turnbull," the prime minister answers.

Trump: "Yes, hello it's the Donald."

Turnbull: "President Trump how are you? I hear there's been a lot of blowback over your Muslim ban."

Trump: "No there wasn't. Everyone loves it but we had to do it because of that huge massacre at Bowling Green."

Turnbull: "Never heard of that one".

Eventually the prime minister thanks the president "for still accepting our refugees".

The president is shocked .

Trump: "No, no, no. No refugees. America first. Australia sucks. Your reef is failing. Prepare to go to war."

Trump abruptly hangs up on the prime minister.

The president then looks confused and asks Bannon if the call was a bad one.

Bannon: "No. It went just according to plan."

Trump then calls Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and fails to trick him into paying for their multi-billion dollar border war and then calls German Chancellor Angela Merkel but it ends abruptly when she corrects Trump for pronouncing her name wrong.

"Germany sucks. Your wall failed. Prepare to go to war," Trump tells Merkel.

Bannon then suggests Trump call a smaller country and the president chooses Zimbabwe, but the leader of the African country abuses him and taunts: "You think you're a dictator?"

The skit ends with Bannon asking the president: "Can I have my desk back?"

Trump tells Bannon: "Yes of course Mr President. I'll go and sit at my desk."

Trump walks to a child's desk next to the main desk in the Oval Office and joyfully plays with a toy.

3 min read
Published 5 February 2017 6:18pm
Updated 6 February 2017 7:52am
Source: AAP

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