Relax or travel before big Hobart race?

Christmas Day can either be relaxing or a big travel day if you are contesting the Sydney to Hobart, which begins on Boxing Day.

Mark Richards, the skipper of Wild Oats XI, gestures

Mark Richards' Wild Oats XI is ready for the Sydney to Hobart after some electronics were destroyed. (AAP)

Christmas Day is the lull before the Sydney to Hobart storm of activity on Boxing Day for many competitors, but for others it's a big travel day.

For those sailing south, Christmas Day and sometimes Christmas Eve are days to relax rather than fret over final race preparations.

"It's a pretty big day Boxing Day for a skipper, especially a skipper of a 100-footer, so we have our Christmas festivities on Christmas eve," Wild Oats XI skipper Mark Richards told AAP.

"I'll be down in my little boatshed chilling out swimming, having a nice old time and getting ready for Boxing Day, just my partner and myself and just relax."

But once Boxing Day dawns it's a different matter for Richards, who will contest the race for a 16th time.

"You're up at 6.30 there's press conferences, Sunrise (TV program), all sorts of duties to do, so it's a pretty full on morning with the 8.30 briefing as well," Richards said.

"It's a busy time, this thing will be over before we know it, that's the scary thing

"Two days out and all of a sudden you'll be two days past it and it's another year gone."

Americans competing in this year's race have talked about their tradition of watching the start of the race live online back home when it's still Christmas Day.

It's not unusual for crew members to fly in from overseas on Christmas Day, or even a few hours before the start, especially from New Zealand.

"In the past I've done Hobarts where I've come across the morning of the race," Beau Geste's Gavin Brady, one of many New Zealanders on that 80-foot boat, said.

"That's just crazy because by the time you catch a flight at seven in the morning and get here, by the time you've come through the Heads you've already been up for 14, 15 hours, and that's just silly preparation.

"We are a New Zealand team so we come across on Christmas Day.

"It's a lot more more tiresome for a New Zealand team to come here, because it's a big day.

"Sydney at this time of year is obviously very hot, it's very tiring to get a big maxi boat even off the deck."

3 min read
Published 25 December 2017 3:34am
Source: AAP

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