Plane wasn't a gift to One Nation, Hanson says

The plane used by Pauline Hanson to fly around Queensland is back in the headlines with the senator saying it was never a gift, but she was allowed to use it.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson Source: AAP

Pauline Hanson says the plane she uses to visit electorates in Queensland was not a gift from property developer and One Nation donor, Bill McNee.

She's told Andrew Bolt's program on Sky News that Mr McNee decided to buy the plane for his business needs in Queensland, but has allowed her chief of staff James Ashby to use it.

"Bill's a developer and he has a lot of business he does he Queensland .... he found James was a pilot and he thought, here's a great opportunity to actually have a plane and actually utilise the plane as well," she said.

"I use the plane, James is the pilot, that actually got me around the state."
The ABC's Four Corners last month reported money provided by Victorian property developer Bill McNee was used to buy a light plane which is insured in the name of Mr Ashby.

The Jabiru aircraft, which bears the party logo and has Senator Hanson's image emblazoned on the side, has been frequently used by Mr Ashby, a trained pilot, to fly his boss to regional areas.

Former Queensland One Nation treasurer Ian Nelson told the program he urged Senator Hanson and Mr Ashby to declare the plane as a gift but was told not to worry about it.

Labor senator Sam Dastyari on Tuesday said the Australian Electoral Commission should now investigate.

Special Minister of State Scott Ryan has spoken with the AEC commissioner Tom Rogers after the Four Corners program went to air.

2 min read
Published 2 May 2017 5:24am
Updated 2 May 2017 7:31am
Source: AAP

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