Medium Sydney-Hobart boats eye record

The weather forecast for the Sydney to Hobart might produce record times for medium-sized boats but it could be a frustrating finish for the four supermaxis.

LDV Comanche during a practice sail

Favourable weather for the Sydney to Hobart might produce record times for medium-sized boats. (AAP)

Favourable weather forecasts for the Sydney to Hobart yacht race could produce a record time for medium-sized boats, but might slow down the line honours-chasing supermaxis in their push to the finish line.

The weather bureau's Jane Golding said the race could start under an east-south-easterly of around 10 knots, with the wind swinging around to the northeast on Boxing Day evening and increasing from 15 to 25 knots over the following 24 hours.

There could be a southerly change on the 28th or the 29th, but the leading supermaxis are projected to enter the Derwent River late on the 27th, at a time when there's usually very little breeze.

"We're delighted with the forecast for now and it will get us down the coast in good shape, but it doesn't look good for us in the Derwent River," downwind flyer LDV Comanche navigator Stan Honey said.

"We get there at exactly the wrong time and Comanche is not at her best in the light air, so we'll probably spend a fair amount of time in the river waiting.

"The key for us would be to manage to get in before the boats that are better in the light catch us up."

Among the supermaxis falling into that category are proven light-air performer Black Jack.

"Some of these other boats might get a bit of a jump on us in the offshore stuff, but it looks like we could be coming to Tasman quite late in the day," Black Jack navigator Tom Addis said.

"If Comanche and those guys start to struggle in the light, we might not be too far behind them."

If the long-range forecast proves accurate, the race record of one day, 13 hours, 31 minutes and 20 seconds, set last year by Perpetual LOYAL (now infoTrack) isn't likely to be threatened.

But it could well be a record pace for other boats in the fleet.

Asked how good the forecast was for the small to medium boats chasing handicap honours, TP52 Ichi Ban navigator Will Oxley said: "It's pretty close to perfect.

"We hold the record for this class 55 footer on Yendys just around the two-day mark.

"Our timing is giving us just slightly under that so, historically, it is up there with the best, but with the caveat, of course, that it's a long way out.

"The competition will be red hot in the 45 to 55-foot range, for sure."

Among those will be the 11 TP52s and the three Cookson 50s.

"I think this race always favours the 45 to 55-foot yachts and it depends on the time they arrive," said Michael Bellingham, navigator on the 46-foot Patrice.

"If we're lucky enough to arrive in that daytime period, which in this race race I think we will, I think the handicap result will definitely come from that sized boat."

3 min read
Published 21 December 2017 3:12pm
Source: AAP

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