Guterres is front runner for UN post

New Zealand's Helen Clark has slipped from being a front runner for the post of UN Secretary-General after the first straw poll of the UN Security Council.

Antonio Guterres

Antonio Guterres Source: AAP

Former Portuguese prime minister Antonio Guterres has emerged as the front runner to succeed Ban Ki-moon as United Nations secretary general.

One of the early favourites, former New Zealand prime minister Helen Clark, was fifth on the shortlist of 12 following the first straw poll conducted by members of the UN Security Council.

Former Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd was not considered in the straw poll because he is yet to be nominated. But that doesn't rule him out of the race as there is no deadline for nominations.

Mr Rudd has been lobbying Canberra as well as the key members of the UN Security Council to support his candidacy.

According to results seen by Reuters after the first secret ballot on Thursday, former Portuguese prime minister Antonio Guterres is the front runner, followed by former Slovenian president Danilo Turk.

Irina Bokova of Bulgaria, director-general of UN cultural organisation UNESCO, came in third, edging out former Serbian foreign minister Vuk Jeremic and former Macedonian foreign minister Srgjan Kerim, who tied for fourth.

Miss Clark, who heads the UN Development Program, was fifth, followed by Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak, Argentinian Foreign Minister Susana Malcorra, former UN climate chief Christiana Figueres of Costa Rica.

Moldova's former foreign minister, Natalia Gherman, was in 10th place, followed by Montenegro Foreign Minister Igor Luksic and former Croatian foreign minister Vesna Pusic.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon steps down at the end of 2016 after two five-year terms.

The 193-member UN General Assembly this year has sought to lift a veil of secrecy that has surrounded the election of the UN chief for the past 70 years by requiring public nominations and holding campaign-style town hall events with each candidate.

However, it is the 15-member Security Council that will choose a candidate to recommend to the General Assembly for election later this year. The council will continue to hold closed-door informal secret ballots until a consensus is reached.

On Thursday, council members were given a ballot for each candidate with the options of "encourage", "discourage" and "no opinion". The nominating states will be told of the results for their candidate, but overall results will not be made public.

According to the results, Guterres received 12 encourage, no discourage and 3 no opinion; Turk got 11 encourage, two discourage and two no opinion. At the opposite end, Pusic received two encourage, 11 discourage and two no opinion.

The search for a successor to Ban, a former South Korean foreign minister, has sparked a push by more than a quarter of the 193 UN states for the world body's first female leader, and half of the current candidates are women.

Ultimately, the five nations that hold a veto on the Security Council - the United States, Britain, France, Russia and China - have to agree on a candidate and there is no requirement for them to pay attention to the popularity of candidates with the General Assembly.

The council hopes to agree on a candidate by October, diplomats say.

3 min read
Published 22 July 2016 10:24am
Updated 24 July 2016 11:40am
Source: AAP

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