Critical leads remain in Maddie hunt

The case of missing Madeleine McCann continues, 10 years after she disappeared from her parents' holiday villa in Portugal.

Madeleine McCann's parents Kate and Gerry McCann

Police received more than 2400 responses to a renewed appeal about Madeleine McCann's disappearance. Source: AP

British detectives working on the Madeleine McCann case say they're still pursuing "critical" leads ahead of the 10th anniversary of her disappearance.

Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said there are "significant investigative avenues" that are of "great interest" to both the UK and Portuguese teams.

Officers have sifted through some 40,000 documents and looked at more than 600 individuals since 2011.

In an interview nearly a decade on from the youngster's disappearance, Rowley also confirmed that four people considered as possible suspects in 2013 have been ruled out.

Madeleine vanished from the family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz in Portugal on May 3 2007 when she was three years old.

Her parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, of Rothley, Leicestershire, have vowed to "never give up" hope of finding their daughter.

Asked if police are any closer to solving the case than they were six years ago when the UK investigation was launched, Rowley said: "I know we have a significant line of inquiry which is worth pursuing, and because it's worth pursuing it could provide an answer, but until we've gone through it I won't know whether we are going to get there or not.

"Ourselves and the Portuguese are doing a critical piece of work and we don't want to spoil it by putting titbits of information out publicly."

He declined to expand on the nature of the working theories or reveal whether any suspects were currently being considered, saying that disclosing further detail would not help the investigation.

"We've got some critical lines of inquiry, those link to particular hypotheses, but I'm not going to discuss those because those are very much live investigation," he said.

"We've got some thoughts on what we think the most likely explanations might be and we are pursuing those."

He described the possibility of a "burglary gone wrong" as a "sensible hypothesis" which has not been "entirely ruled out".

The senior officer was also asked about the theory of a sex predator being responsible for Madeleine's disappearance.

"That's been one key line of inquiry. The reality is in the modern world in any urban area if you cast your net widely you will find a whole pattern of offences.

"You will find sex offenders who live nearby. And those coincidences need to be sifted out; what's a coincidence and what may be linked to the investigation that you are currently doing.

"Offences which may be linked have to be looked at and either ruled in or ruled out."

Rowley said there was still a "lot unknown" in the case, adding: "All the different hypotheses have to remain open."

Police have investigated more than 600 individuals identified as being potentially significant to Madeleine's disappearance and in 2013 the team identified four people as suspects in the case.

Interviews and searches were carried out but no evidence was found to implicate the four in the disappearance and Rowley says they are no longer the subject of further investigation and have been ruled out of the inquiry.

Meanwhile, police working on the case continue to receive information on a daily basis.

"Thousands of pieces of information have come forward, some useful, some not, but amongst that have been some nuggets that have thrown some extra light on the original material that came from the time," he said.

"That's one of the things that's helped us make progress and have some critical lines of inquiry we want to pursue today."

As well, he says there's no "definitive evidence" as to whether Madeleine is alive or dead, but her disappearance is still being treated as an abduction and missing person inquiry.

The assistant commissioner pledged that the investigation team will do all they can to provide an answer for Madeleine's parents, but cautioned "a small number of cases sadly don't get solved".

"What I've always said on this case, and I've said it to Kate and Gerry as well, we will do everything reasonably possible to try and find an answer.

"I just can't quite guarantee it. It always hurts that you can't guarantee success but we will do everything we reasonably can do to try and get there."

Around 30 detectives were working on the UK probe, Operation Grange, when it was established in 2011. The team has now been scaled back to four detectives.

Last month the Home Office confirmed STG85,000 ($A144,730) was being given to the inquiry to cover operational costs from April to September. More than STG11 million ($A19 million) has been spent on the inquiry so far.

Rowley remains stoic, saying they'll stick with the inquiry as long as the funding's available and as long as there are sensible lines of inquiry to pursue.

5 min read
Published 30 April 2017 2:36pm
Source: AAP

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