Crafoord aims for mentor's sailing record

He's tasted Sydney to Hobart handicap victory four times but Carl Crafoord is about to skipper a boat for the first time in 33 starts in the race.

Four-time Sydney to Hobart overall winner Carl Crafoord is skippering a boat for first time in 33 cracks at the great race, as he tries to equal the record of his old idol and mentor.

Normally a navigator, Crafoord has enjoyed handicap wins on Sagacious (1990), Raptor (1994) and in different boats, both called Quest (2002 and 2008).

Crafoord, who will skipper the well regarded 12-metre Sail Exchange, learnt the tricks of the navigators trade in the pre Sat Nav days from the legendary Stan Darling, who along with Magnus Halvorsen are the only sailors to have had five overall wins in the race.

"He (Darling) taught me everything I know today and I always think of him during the race and I'd like to match his scoreboard if that's possible," Crafoord said.

"Stan Darling was my idol when I was a kid.

"I remember sitting in the nav table with him using an an HF radio.

"He would draw a synoptic situation and draw a weather map and then he would do the routing of the boat and we now use computers to run those algorithms, he used to do that longhand.

"He was RAN (Royal Australian Navy) and he navigated ships during the war and saved so many people's lives, so he had a lot of responsibility.

"Sailing the race to him was probably a bit of fun."

Favourable weather conditions apart, Crafoord said good preparation was another key factor for boats chasing handicap glory.

"Little problems that happen become very big problems at sea," he said.

"One of the good things with our boat is that all the guys in the boat are friends of mine, they are all tradesmen.

"We've got plumbers and electricians and people that can fix things, because when you're out on sea, you can't use a mobile phone and call some one to come and fix it.

'We're competitive and we can win our division.

"The old adage is if you can win your division, you can win the race, so that's our priority."

His father Max contested the Hobart race 30 times and Crafoord's looking forward to his 12-year-old son Ben becoming the third generation of the family to do it after he turns 18..

3 min read
Published 19 December 2018 3:36am
Source: AAP

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