Chris Minns vows 'fresh start' for NSW as Labor on track to form majority government

Labor now has a stronghold across Australia after the last coalition-held mainland state lost government.

A man and a woman celebrating

Labor leader and Premier-elect Chris Minns, čelnik Laburističke stranke i novoizabrani premijer Novog Južnog Walesa sa suprugom Annom na proslavi izbornih rezultata Source: AAP / Dean Lewins

Key Points
  • Mr Perrottet conceded defeat in a phone call to Mr Minns about 9pm on Saturday.
  • Labor is tipped to gain the 47 seats it needs to govern in its own right.
  • Both leaders have campaigned hard in vital seats in Sydney's west, where a third of NSW voters live.
Labor's stranglehold across mainland Australia is complete, with Tasmania the sole state to be led by a Liberal government.

Based on progressive vote counting late on Saturday, Chris Minns has become the next NSW premier, and is on track to lead a majority Labor government.

In his victory speech, the premier-elect declared that his party is "back and ready to govern".

"We will not let the people of this state down," Mr Minns said.

"We will govern for everyone in NSW. We know that the challenges are huge, we know that the responsibilities are awesome, but NSW Labor is back and ready to govern in this great state."

Mr Minns also thanked outgoing Liberal premier Dominic Perrottet for his service.

"It’s undeniably the case that this election campaign was, perhaps uniquely, a model of respect and civility. Neither party took the low road, neither political party took the low blow," he said.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was at the forefront of election-day campaigning across Sydney, and welcomed Mr Minns to the victory stage at a Sydney party function.

"He embodies all that's best about the Australian Labor Party," the prime minister said of Mr Minns.

"His vision is one that always has people at its heart."

Mr Albanese nominated his counterpart's integrity, vision, compassion and fairness as among his guiding qualities.
Mr Albanese's repeat appearances alongside Mr Minns on the campaign trail have been in contrast to Opposition Leader Peter Dutton's notable absence from the coalition's state push for re-election.

At the Labor election function, federal party frontbencher Chris Bowen said Mr Minns ran an "absolutely brilliant campaign".

"He can be as significant a Labor premier as (Neville) Wran and (Bob) Carr," he told reporters.

Perrottet offers endorsement

Mr Perrottet conceded defeat in a phone call to Mr Minns about 9pm on Saturday.

The outgoing premier urged everyone in NSW to get behind Mr Minns for the sake of the country.

"I ask everybody across NSW, whatever your political persuasion, to get behind him, because when NSW goes well, our country goes well, and that is something I believe we can all unite behind."

Mr Perrottet, who became premier 18 months ago after Gladys Berejiklian quit amid a corruption probe, had sought a fourth term for the coalition.

Mr Perrottet said Mr Minns would make a fine replacement as he took full responsibility for his party's loss.

"And, as a result I will be standing down as the Parliamentary Liberal Party leader."

"It is very clear we need a fresh start."

Soulsearching for Liberals

As the Labor dream came true, analysis of the Liberal loss began.

Former Liberal prime minister John Howard arrived at the party's election function, reluctant to comment on the outcome, saying "it's too early to be talking about that".

He said Dominic Perrottet took on the job of premier in "incredibly difficult circumstances" after the sudden departure of Gladys Berejiklian.

"I admire him enormously," Mr Howard said of the outgoing premier.

He then heard of Mr Perrottet's plan to step down as Liberal leader.
Senior Liberal and federal treasury spokesman Angus Taylor said it was horses for courses when asked if the progressive Liberal policies around climate change and city votes had lost them votes in the country.

"You have to campaign where your strengths are," Mr Taylor told Sky News.
NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet with his wife Helen Perrottet and daughter Celeste arrive to cast their votes on NSW state election day. Source: AAP / AAP
Both leaders campaigned hard in vital seats in Sydney's west, where a third of NSW voters live and many electorates are on a knife edge.

The premier voted in Beecroft on Saturday accompanied by wife Helen and daughter Celeste, as school volunteers sold cupcakes and sausages to punters.

Mr Minns voted in his ultra-marginal southern Sydney seat of Kogarah, flanked by wife Anna and their three sons, and promising a fresh vision for the state.

"Vote for a fresh start for NSW, for a team that's got a plan for essential services, for our schools and for our hospitals, who's going to stand up against privatisation and really put the people of NSW first," he said.
NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet (far left) and his wife Helen Perrottet (second left) voting on NSW state election day, in the seat of Epping, in Sydney, Saturday, March 25, 2023. Source: AAP / AAP
Federal independent MP for Fowler Dai Li suggested there was a hangover from the harsh COVID-19 lockdowns which hit her Sydney community during the latest coalition-led NSW administration.

"At the time we were talking about how we were treated as second-class citizens. I think there are still remnants of that in our community, and so there is the feeling that really we were just neglected by the government," she told ABC TV.

5 min read
Published 25 March 2023 6:13pm
Updated 26 March 2023 7:26am
Source: AAP

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