Biloela Tamil family 'could be deported today' as last-ditch plea fails

Supporters of a Tamil family facing deportation are urging Immigration Minister David Coleman to 'open his heart' and let them stay.

Kopika and Tharunicaa, a protest to the the family stay.

Kopika and Tharunicaa, a protest to let the family stay. Source: AAP

A Tamil family facing deportation from Australia could be forced to leave the country as early as Thursday after its last-ditch effort to stay failed, according to supporters.

Asylum seekers Priya and Nadesalingam, and their two Australian-born daughters have been held in a Melbourne detention centre since March 2018, when they were taken from the tiny Queensland town of Biloela.
An earlier photo of the detained Tamil family from Biloela.
Tamil asylum seekers Nadesalingnam, wife Priya, and their Australian-born daughters. Source: Supplied
On Wednesday, the government blocked an application for an assessment of the dangers that toddler Tharunicaa may face if she is sent to Sri Lanka.

"The department had previously agreed not to deport the family until the youngest child Tharunicaa had her claim for asylum heard," Biloela resident and supporter Angela Fredericks told SBS News.
In a letter to the family, seen by SBS News, the Department of Home Affairs said the application was unsuccessful. It does not detail the reasons behind this.

"[Now] the road has ended. They're not going to let Tharunicaa have her claim heard and that means there's nothing stopping them from deporting the family," Ms Fredericks said.
Biloela Resident Angela Fredericks is campaigning for the family's return to the tiny Queensland town.
Biloela Resident Angela Fredericks Source: SBS News
Priya told SBS Tamil on Thursday "the children are very upset about this".

"I am pleading with the government and the people of Australia to let us live here. Australians are kind-hearted. I believe that they will respect other people's plights," Priya said.

"I am imploring them to show kindness to us and to let us live here. I have nothing else to say. I am totally heartbroken."
SBS News contacted the Department of Home Affairs about why the application was unsuccessful.

"This family's case has been assessed, over many years, by the department and various merits review bodies. These decisions have also been the subject of judicial review applications in the courts," a spokesperson said.

"The department will be making no further comment."

Message to immigration minister

Priya and Nadesalingam came to Australia separately by boat in 2012 and 2013 following Sri Lanka's civil war. They settled in Biloela for four years on a temporary bridging visa, which ran out in March 2018.

The couple and their two daughters have been at risk of deportation since the High Court denied their final bid to stay in May.
A rally calling to stop the deportation.
A rally calling to stop the deportation. Source: AAP
Ms Fredericks said the family could now be deported at a moment's notice.

"They're very frightened ... It's now extremely up in the air. We have been told of cases when immediate deportation can happen without people even been given documents, or they could sit there for a while. We really have no idea," she said.

Ms Fredericks said the one avenue left was intervention from Immigration Minister David Coleman.

"Up until they are out of this country the minister can step in and intervene," she said.

"My message to the minister is that this is a hard-working family who wants to contribute to regional Australia and there is a community here willing to welcome them back. And we will do anything to keep this family here."
Supporters have also cited the recent case of a Warrnambool family who were . Mr Coleman intervened to grant them permanent residency, just days before they were set to be deported. 

"Last week, Mr Coleman took a common-sense approach when he listened to the community of Warrnambool and stepped in to allow Vasrine and her family to remain in Australia," Ms Fredericks said.

"Australians have opened their hearts to Priya, Nades and the girls and Mr Coleman has shown that he can open his heart too."

A petition to bring the family home to Biloela has been signed by more than 200,000 people.

Safe to return?

The family claims they would face persecution in Sri Lanka because of past family links to the banned Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

The Tamil Tigers separatist group were proscribed as a terrorist group by 32 countries during their insurgency against the Sri Lankan government. The militants were effectively defeated in 2009, after 26 years of bloody conflict.
But Sri Lankan Consul General to Australia Lal Raj Wickrematunga has previously told SBS News it was "safe" for the family to return.

"As far as the Sri Lankan government is concerned, Sri Lanka is safe for Tamil families to return.

"The government has made an appeal for all those who've left Sri Lanka and sought refugee status elsewhere to come back."

4 min read
Published 22 August 2019 2:15pm
Updated 22 August 2019 7:05pm
By Nick Baker

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