ምትካኽ ሃፋ (ቨይፒንግ) ኣብ መንእሰያት ግኑን'ዩ፣ መጉዳእቱ እንታይ'ዩ፧ ከተቋርጾ ይከኣል ድዩ፧

Australia Explained - Vaping

Most vaping products contain nicotine even if not labelled as such. Credit: StockBird/Getty Images

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ኣብ ኣውስትራልያ ሃፋ ዝትከኸሎም ምህርትታት (Vaping products) ምርካብ በብግዚኡ እናጸንከረ ይኸይድ ኣሎ። ቨይፒንግ "ዓቢይ ጸገም ህዝባዊ ጥዕና" ተባሂሉ ተገሊጹ፡ ብዝሒ መንእሰያት ተጠቀምቱ ግን ልዑል ምዃኑ ብግቡእ ዝተሰነደ’ዩ። ምቁራጽ ቨይፒንግ ንመንእሰያት ከቢድን በዳሂን ክኸውን ይኽእል'ዩ። ኣብ'ዚ ንኣውስትራልያ ንገልጸሉ መደብ ንከተቋርጽዎ ኢልኩም ኣብ ትኸድዎ ጉዕዞ ክትረኽብዎም ትኽእሉ ሓገዛት ክንፍትሽ ኢና።

Key Points
  • Prevalence of vaping in under 18s is well documented in Australia.
  • Turning off the tap for legal sale of vaping products may not deter access if black market availability continues.
  • Being addicted to nicotine without realising could be a reason making it hard for a teenager to quit vaping.
