'Млади су најусамљенији': Зашто се неки људи и у друштву осећају изоловано и искључено?

The Social Isolation and Loneliness fund

PICTURE POSED BY A MODEL File photo dated 09/03/2015 of a woman showing signs of depression. More than 50 Scottish projects which alleviate loneliness will receive a share of a new fund to continue fighting social isolation. The Social Isolation and Loneliness fund, managed by Impact Funding Partners on behalf of the Scottish Government, will help improve the lives of some of Scotland's most isolated people.Issue date: Friday July 21, 2023.. Funding will be rolled out to organisations including Dunfermline's Abbey Church, Fife Big Hearts Community Trust and Caithness Voluntary Group in the Scottish Highlands. See PA story SCOTLAND Loneliness. Photo credit should read: Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire Credit: Dominic Lipinski/PA/Alamy

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