Homosexuality and Indians


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Dr Rita Verma is a legal advisor from Melbourne who sheds some light on LGBT laws in Australia and the taboo attached to it within Indian society.

Although Australia grants equal rights to all couples, be it male –female or same sex, the country has still to give equal marriage rights to couples of same sex. Same sex marriage has been a burning issue in the country for some time now and was a key issue during the federal election campaign as well.

Liberals had promised that they will hold a plebiscite to decide if same sex marriage should be legalized in Australia or not but other political parties like Labor think it is un necessary and costly exercise and the parliament should amend the law to give equal marriage rights to gay and transgender couples.

Dr Rita Verma agrees. Dr Verma is a legal advisor, educator and trainer based in Melbourne. In her view, the government does not want to take responsibility for making this decision as it is a sensitive issue that may upset religious members of the society and in return have an effect on their vote bank.


LGBT and Indian Society

Homosexuality is still a crime in India and many Indians still find it hard to grasp the concept of homosexuality and refuse to accept it. According to Dr Verma, it is mostly the older generation that has reservations in this regard whereas, the younger generation seems to be more accepting.

“The world shouldn’t matter to you; but you child should”

Male Couple

Even though, there are many homosexual Indians in our society overseas, majority are still living in the closet fearing ostracism, violence of rejection from family and friends. Dr Verma points out that living in the closet and not being able to openly express their feelings and live their life can have an adverse effect on the mental health of homosexual people and can lead to depression, anxiety and in extreme cases, suicide. She also points out that contrary to some people’s perception; homosexuality is not a mental disease but a choice made by an individual of sound mind and body. Some members of the society have such hormones that attract them to the same sex. She advises parents of homosexual children to accept their kids as they are and be supportive of their choices without fearing what the world would think of them. “Your child is the same person that you raised with love and affection and that should not change” she said. “Your priority should be your child and not the rest of the world”

