What non-muslims Know About Ramadan?

Apa yang orang non-muslim tahu tentang ibadah puasa umat islam di bulan ramadhan

Kami mencoba bertanya kepada beberapa orang non-muslim tentang apa yang mereka ketahui tentang bulan puasa di bulan ramadhan. Source: Supplied / SBS Indonesian

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We are asking some non-Muslims what they know about the month of Ramadan.

"As far as I know, when you fast, you start by not eating from dawn until dusk."

"I might be able not to eat, but if I don't drink, I don't know. Because I drink every hour or a maximum of 2 hours. Because I have never fasted, I don't know whether I can or not. But really appreciate to those who can," answered Surya when He was asked if he was able to fast during Ramadan.
Jonathan said that Muslims' fasting in the month of Ramadan is a month of victory which ends with the Eid al-Fitr holiday.

Apart from enduring hunger and thirst, Elisabeth also revealed that when fasting, Muslims must restrain their emotions and must not be lazy.

Ullyik revealed that fasting, especially in the month of Ramadan, also provides health benefits.

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