Indian Australians share how they went from 'unfit' to 'fit'

'I finally realized I was no longer the fat kid, I was an athlete.'

Run Melbourne

Source: Supplied

Enthusiastic marathoners donned their running shoes to participate in Run Melbourne event that kicked off in Melbourne last Sunday.

35-year-old, mother of one, Nilanjana Bhattacharya, was one of the participants at Run Melbourne this Sunday morning.

Sharing her story with SBS Hindi, Nilanjana said, “As a child I was overweight and inactive. I avoided athletic competitions and lagged socially.  With time I started gym to stay fit, but as a full time working mom, running came along when I realised I don’t have time to go to the gym.”

“I then chose to go running in the early hours of morning when my daughter would be fast asleep and I had only me and my thoughts for company. That is when I met this awesome group of mothers who run for similar reasons, some to beat the stress, some to beat addiction, depression, some who run just for the love of running. The group is called RMA (Running Mums Australia). I was instantly sold.  It was with this group that I decided to sign up for my first 10 K!”
Nilanjana Bhattacharya at Run Melbourne
Source: Supplied
Last year, Nilanjana finished her first 10 km marathon. “A pivotal moment for me was crossing the finish line at my first race when I heard my name announced over the loudspeaker. I finally realized I was no longer the fat kid, I was an athlete. It was very emotional moment for me and it made me cry.”

Ever since then Nilanjana has ran almost every weekend.  Last Sunday, she again ran a half marathon (21.5 km) with her group of mommies.

“There have been injuries, personal records, highs and lows along the way but my love for running has remained a constant through it all.  It keeps me sane, it is my ‘me’ time, it brings me strength, hope and I sure love those post-run endorphins and medals.”
Nilanjana Bhattacharya at Run Melbourne
Nilanjana Bhattacharya at Run Melbourne Source: Supplied
Another Indian Australian Manu Nair echoes Nilanjana’s sentiments. Running not only has added to his physical wellbeing but also mental wellbeing.

Talking to SBS Hindi, Manu said, “I run to stay fit and active.  After been bed-ridden for a week, couple of years back due to a lower back injury, I took up running to knock off excess weight and it has helped me make a comeback.”
Manu Nair at Run Melbourne
Manu Nair at Run Melbourne Source: Supplied
Like Nilanjana, Manu too participated in the Run Melbourne on Sunday.

“I felt awesome being part of a noble and charitable cause and the sense of accomplishment reaching my personal milestone was another bonus,” he said.

“The atmosphere was simply electrifying right from the warm up session arranged by the organisers at the Fed square to seeing such a big turnout of people of different age groups, sex and ethnicity in spite of being one of the coldest Melbourne mornings.  Excellently co-ordinated and organised event with volunteers cheering up the participants from the sidelines using placards, singing and music.

3 min read
Published 27 July 2016 3:42pm
Updated 29 July 2016 1:42pm
By Mosiqi Acharya

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