‘Man of God’ film depicting life of St Nektarios to hit the big screen

A movie following the tribulations of Saint Nektarios of Aegina, Greece, has already garnered positive reactions Down Under in anticipation of its release to the cinemas.

Stills from Man of God movie

Acclaimed Greek actor Aris Servetalis (L) plays the protagonist role of Saint Nektarios in the movie 'Man of God' Source: Facebook/@manofgodthemovie

  • Movie centered around St Nektarios’ life coming soon
  • Cast features prominent Greek and international artists
  • Shootings took place in Greece
Written and directed by Yelena Popovic, ’Man of God’ is an international co-production shot in Greece.

Its creators label it “a faith-based film”, in fact expressing their hope that it “will awaken the paralyzed faith in audiences around the world.”

"In the lives of the saints, we find strength. Their struggles mirror our own, and their triumphs over human weakness give us hope," they say before providing a summary of St Nektarios' biography:

"The life of St. Nektarios of Aegina from Greece was one of persecution and prosecution. A priest of the common people, his humility annoyed the prideful orthodox clergy, his devotion aroused their suspicions, and they slandered him. Despite being stripped of his church and exiled from Egypt and the parishioners who loved him, Nektarios let his faith in God be his best defense [...]St. Nektarios established a convent in Aegina, a barren and desolate island, that still stands today as a beacon to pilgrims."

Content aside, the film has also drawn attention thanks to its stellar cast, including Oscar-nominated actor Mickey Rourke and Russian superstar Alexander Petrov.

Highly acclaimed Greek actor Aris Servetalis – who became widely known as ‘Lazaros’ in Greek sitcom ‘Eisai to tairi mou’ – has scored the protagonist role of St Nektarios.
‘Man of God’ was produced by Simeon Entertainment and View Master Films with the Holy Monastery of Vatopedy St. Mountain being amongst entities supporting the initiative.

Earlier this month, the movie made it to the European Film Market, the business platform of the Berlin International Film Festival where new films are presented to potential buyers.

And while the movie’s release is expected later in the year, it has already attracted enthusiastic followers, including Greeks in Australia.

Movie blurb

Exiled unjustly, convicted without trial, slandered without cause. Man of God depicts the trials and tribulations of Saint Nektarios of Aegina, as he bears the unjust hatred of his enemies while preaching the Word of God.

2 min read
Published 12 March 2021 4:20pm
Updated 12 March 2021 4:50pm
By Zoe Thomaidou

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