Did you survive the 1953 floods in the Netherlands?

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the flood disaster in the Netherlands, which flooded parts of Zeeland, Noord-Brabant, Zuid-Holland and Noord-Holland.

The worst natural disaster experienced in the Netherlands during the 20th Century, was the tidal flood and inundation from the North Sea, which affected many parts of Zeeland, west Noord-Brabant, Zuid-Holland, and Noord-Holland. This happened on the 15th birthday of Princess Beatrix, 31 January 1953. That is now 70 years ago.

Watersnoodramp 1953, Rilland - 2 februari 1953
Luchtopnamen van getroffen streken bij Watersnood 1953, Rilland-Bath, Zeeland, 2 februari 1953 Credit: Nationaal Archief / Anefo, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
An exhibition is being put together about immigration of the Dutch to Australia after the end of World War Two. The reasons for migration are many, but sometimes these are forced onto people through circumstances that were unforeseeable. The loss of your home or farm, together with everything that goes with that through this natural disaster, could for some people have been a compelling reason to seek a better future in a different country.

Your story
It could be that you were a child at the time, and simply came along with your family. Maybe you have recollections or memories about this awful experience. If you have a story to tell over this natural disaster, then we would like to hear from you. Your story can be added to this exhibition so that people can see how badly people suffered.

The exhibition will follow through with the consequences of this natural disaster. That is, the Delta Project. Of course, Australia suffered its own natural disasters this past year. Through this exhibition we hope to inform the Australian public that these Natural Disasters can be prevented from reoccurring. However, the need to take such very serious measures needs to be awakened in the public eye.

Professor Nonja Peters, author of “A touch of Dutch” and other works related to the link between the Netherlands and Australia, is involved in putting together this exhibition. She will conduct an interview with you in order to bring your story to life.

If you are a survivor of the “Watersnood”, please contact John (Jan) Zwartkruis, President, Dutch Society of WA Inc. via terjohnz@gmail.com.

2 min read
Published 17 January 2023 8:09am
By Paulien Roessink
Source: SBS

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