
Hong Kong government has killed and disposed of 6,000 pigs from a slaughterhouse where one of the animals had been found to have African swine fever.

Hong Kong government has killed and disposed of 6,000 pigs from a slaughterhouse where one of the animals had been found to have African swine fever. Source: gagilas licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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另一方面,相信很多人都聼過,「貪」字變個「貧」,香港最近就爆出懷疑夾公仔機投資騙案。 有大約一百名香港市民表示,在一名網絡紅人誤導下,斥巨額投資「遙距夾公仔機」,究竟這些苦主有多苦呢?
