
Personal messages are seen amongst the poppies on the Roll of Honour during Remembrance Day at the Australian War Memorial, in Canberra.

Personal messages are seen amongst the poppies on the Roll of Honour during Remembrance Day at the Australian War Memorial, in Canberra. Source: AAP

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在昨日的陣亡將士紀念日Remembrance Day,全澳各地都有紀念活動,而今年是第一次世界大戰結束100週年。一次大戰從1914年到1918年,歷時4年,是有史以來世界最慘痛的戰爭,有超過100個國家參與,喪生人數在9百萬到1千3百萬之間。當中超過3分1人失踪,或者沒有正式埋葬。
