昆州亞裔男童綁架案嫌疑人出庭 全程廣東話交流


Zhen Jie Zhang is the back of a police car

Zhen Jie Zhang has been extradited from NSW to Queensland over an alleged child kidnapping. (AAP) Source: AAP


Police claim the 12-year-old was kidnapped as part of an ongoing financial dispute. Right: The car believed to be linked to the alleged abduction.
Police claim the 12-year-old was kidnapped as part of an ongoing financial dispute. Right: The car believed to be linked to the alleged abduction. Source: AAP

地方法官凱倫·斯塔福德(Karen Stafford)告之張(音)某可以在昆州法庭解釋,併批準將其從格拉夫頓引渡至昆州。

Published 15 May 2018 11:00am
Updated 17 May 2018 4:33pm

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