该为看牙买私保吗?澳洲牙科协会: 不值得!

本周是牙齿健康周(Dental Health Week),澳大利亚牙科协会(Australian Dental Association , ADA)在呼吁人们注重牙齿健康的同时,也提醒消费者:牙科方面的私保做不到“物有所值”,还不如直接存钱作为看牙备用金。

All types of surgeries, including elective, cosmetic surgery and dentistry, will legally be permitted in South Australia once the update comes into effect.

All types of surgeries, including elective, cosmetic surgery and dentistry, will legally be permitted in South Australia once the update comes into effect. Source: SBS

本周是牙齿健康周(Dental Health Week),澳大利亚牙科协会(Australian Dental Association , ADA)在呼吁人们注重牙齿健康的同时,也提醒消费者在牙科方面的私人医疗保险做不到“物有所值”。


ADA最近的报告称,“受制于私保条例中规定的差额和除外条款、医疗机构报销覆盖范围变化等,拥有附加保险(general treatment)的私保用户在看牙科时仍然需要支付高额的自付费用。”

ADA的首席执行官欧文(Eithne Irving)告诉SBS新闻,“(与其买私保),大多数人最好把钱存入储蓄账户。”
Source: SBS
但澳洲私人医保(Private Healthcare Australia)首席执行官大卫(Rachel David)则回击称,在牙科服务方面的支出前所未有地多。


牙科修复师唐恩(Martin Dunn)则称,私保对假牙的报销额度非常低,并建议重新审核major dental 部分的年度报销上限。


Published 7 August 2018 12:01pm
Updated 12 August 2022 3:44pm
By Rosemary Bolger, Helen Chen

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