Tackling misinformation: How to identify and combat false news


How to identify and combat false news and misinformation in Australia? Credit: iStockphoto / nicoletaionescu/Getty Images

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In an era where information travels at the speed of light, it has become increasingly difficult to distinguish between true and false. Whether deemed false news, misinformation, or disinformation, the consequences are the same - a distortion of reality that can affect people's opinions, beliefs, and even important decisions.

Key Points
  • In an era where information travels at the speed of light, it has become increasingly difficult to distinguish between true and false. Whether deemed false news, misinformation, or disinformation, the consequences are the same - a distortion of reality that can affect people's opinions, beliefs, and even important decisions.
  • Technology advancement has made it easier for false news to appear genuine when accessed online.
  • False news can significantly impact human behaviour when it confirms pre-existing beliefs or suspicions.
Misinformation has become a significant issue in our digital age.
According to Sushi Das, the Associate Director of
, a fact-checking unit based within RMIT University, misinformation refers to incorrect information that people share without knowing it is incorrect. 

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